Monday, June 26, 2006

My swamp thing

I gave Alan Moore's Swamp Thing another try this past weekend, about 5 years after trying to read it the first time and simply not being able to get past the nauseatingly garish artwork! But I'm so glad I read it, and without getting too "I love Alan Moore" like every other non-comic-reading girl, this series is such a beautiful description of life and nature and how everything is connected because we're all made up of the same thing -- the radiant energy of life. It resonates completely with how I've been seeing life in the universe, and here's a hero that's, first of all super buff, but also totally depressed, but also green and earthy like the swamp itself. Who wouldn't fall in love with him?

Anyhoo, here is a sketch I did of my beloved Swamp Thing, with a few alterations from the series' beast, namely he has a kelp beard -- obviously! Also his lower half is all soft long grasses, his "ribs" are mud, and his hands and feet are wood, like tree roots. I love him with flowers and moss growing on him, and some leaves sprouting from his viney veins.

There you have it, my first comic super hero drawing. I also love Frankenstein.


Anonymous said...

I love this! Awesome! Now I want to see more classics "Claudia-fied"!

Claudia Davila (Fran) said...

Hey dudes! Thanks for the enthusiasm : ) Yes, I forgot to mention that the belly button is like the knot of a tree trunk. And cuz yeah, belly buttons are cute.

Anonymous said...

I'd place your Swamp Thing second after Bernie Wrightson's version. Hey, he also illustrated a Frankenstein book! Nice site Fran along with the "Dumplings" one but I dislike my empanadas with raisons (similar to the Filipino version).