Friday, September 18, 2009

Shaman you!

Just thought I'd share a drawing I did for an upcoming book on magic (title not yet finalized but will let you know when it's out!). This is a shaman making the sun go dark! (ie. an eclipse ;-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two educational mini comics for Scholastic

It's been an age since I've updated my art blog, and that's mostly due to having had a baby! Little Yolanda leaves me just enough time to post a recipe once in a while, or make myself a cup of tea, but time to draw? Not a chance!

But, here are two small comics I created for Scholastic last year that are now being distributed to schools. These were two very fun projects, the first being an info comic about garbage and recycling. My inspiration for Garbage Strike was the real garbage strike we had here in Toronto around 7 years ago -- what a mess!

The second comic is also informative, introducing Galileo to young readers and the birth of astronomy as we now know it.

I grew and learned very much working on these books, which I had to research, write, lay out, draw and colour, all for professional publishing as opposed to personal work. I hope I do more of them, and hope the kids enjoy them.